The 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety has come to an end. Now the real work begins!
We would like to thank all minister-led delegations och representatives from the world of industry and research, international institutions and organizations, who contributed with knowledge, commitment, joy and an open mind for change under the two days that the conference lasted.
Now is the time to turn ideas, experiences and shared knowledge and successes into action. A strong political commitment is required at all levels, together with regional and national strategies and road safety action plans.
The Stockholm Declaration is the outcome of this conference and was presented by the Swedish Minister for Infrastructure, Mr. Tomas Eneroth. This ambitious and forward-looking statement connects road safety to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It also reflects the recommendations of the conference’s independent Academic Expert Group and its scientific assessments of progress made during the last decade.
Together we can achieve global goals by 2030.
Read more about the Stockholm Declaration (translated to the UN languages).
Resolution to improve global road safety adopted by the UNGA
The United Nations General Assembly endorses the Stockholm Declaration. On 31 August 2020 the resolution to improve global road safety was adopted.
Vision Zero at the Global Conference
During the Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety the Vision Zero approach got a lot of attention, especially in the Swedish exhibition arranged by The Swedish Transport Administration and Government offices.